Saturday, November 2, 2013


 "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

It is one of those days when you just feel sad. For some reason, something is not just right, you feel down and lonely--Is it wrong to feel this way? Definitely not! Sadness is a feeling, it is an emotion that is felt by--everyone. It is however an unpleasant emotion. Is it wrong to feel sad? No. But it is wrong to allow sadness or any emotion to be exact to take over you. This is where things go down.

His words says that:

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans12:2

It's kind of funny what the media, or other external factors influence us to do with what we are feeling, how it is subtly saying that we should follow our hearts and go with what we feel. Ideally, Practically and Rationally, this is wrong. I mean, yes it should be one of the deciding factors but it should not be the only factor. God blessed us with brains and minds and wisdom to use and not to allow our emotions to take over it, He blessed us with brains for a reason, that He may use our brains to impart knowledge and wisdom to make the right and proper decisions. Mind over heart. That is how we should be. Some of us become too impulsive that it leads to...disasters or unpleasant circumstances because we forget to consult mr.Brain. Our brains are designed our God to be above our hearts for a reason.

Feeling something is normal, whether this maybe sadness, happiness, anger, fear, or whatever, these are all emotions, we are only human beings and we are bound to feel all these things. It isn't a sin to feel. Hey, if it was, why would God allow us to feel anything in the first place? Think about it, if every single one of our decisions were based only on what we feel, what do you think our lives would be like? When we are mad? or frustrated or felt like punching or slapping someone or something, would it make sense? If we cursed and insulted someone because we just felt like doing it, would that be a form of triumph?
What is wrong is allowing the emotion to take over that our judgment about certain things get clouded which would eventually result to chaos. God gave us emotions to feel, and what we do about these emotions is already up to us. With every action that we do, may we always ask ourselves if this certain action would glorify God or would it glorify something else? It says in 1 Corinthians 10:31

 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31

In WHATEVER you do, it should glorify HIM. So whenever we feel something, let's ask for more wisdom from our Father that whatever action we take, it must lead to glorifying Him and magnifying who He is in our lives. Again, it is alright to feel depressed, sad, happy, angry, frustrated, afraid, flustered, joyful, embarassed, etc. It's alright, it is what we do afterwards that matters. And one of the strongest weapons in fighting against these uncontrollable and overwhelmingly strong emotions? Drowning our minds with the word of God. This works, it does. If both our mind and spirit are fed fully by the word of our Lord, would you think you would ever feel these unwanted emotions? Of course not, because through our minds, Christ would whisper and crush every single lie that the enemy is feeding us. God's word is our weapon and HE definitely placed our minds above our hearts because our minds dictate what we should and shouldn't feel. Our minds will be filtering the things that are from Christ and from satan. The Holy Spirit is the scaffold of our minds and the shield of our heart. Never allow the enemy's lies to even enter our minds.
The more we feed our minds with the word of God the more joyful we will be. Any form of sadness or negativity will never even attempt to enter because we are sealed by the word of God.

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." -2 Corinthians 10:5

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