Sunday, April 28, 2013


    It's funny how the enemy uses his greatest temptation on our most vulnerable stage.
    There are more than a few moments in my life when this happened. Tempation that leads to disappointment and results to discouragement. Hey, it happens. More often than we think. The truth is, discouragement and disappointment doesn't have to be huge to be noticed. It does not only come in a mellow dramatic-soap opera type of scene in our lives to be considered as a "scene". Little disappointments can lead to major discouragement too. Like unintentionally raising your voice to your sibling, schoolmate, officemate, family member. Sure, you may or may not notice the 'sin' at first, but the moment you've done it, you then realize that you've done something wrong. I find myself in this situation all the time. And how do I respond? I top it off by commiting another sin, I blame myself and, then again, give in to the chief accuser's greatest lie; condemnation.
    The truth as we all know is that NOBODY is perfect. Our Father God has recently revealed one the most comforting and greatest truth of all, we need Him. Always. All the time. In EVERY moment of our lives. God recently pointed out something so mind-blowing which is why I had to write this down; as I was begging and asking for forgiveness about my previous disappointment, He, as always comforted me and finally said...

"My child,Why are you so surprised? I am here, you need me"

   That statement alone blew my mind. Yes, why am I so surpised that I sinned when the fact of the matter is, I am a sinner. That is the main reason why we need Jesus. Now, don't start twisting my words around, just because we are sinners, it does NOT give us the lisence to sin and indulge into all ungodly acts. Can you imagine how chaotic this world would be if that was the case? The point is, we are sinners, which is why we need a Savior. This is where Grace and Wisdom comes in. God gifted us with Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness that we would never feel and be  condemned. Jesus died on the cross for all of us so that we would never be held prisoners of sin, instead, be FREE in Christ.
   The main point is, NEVER blame yourself to the point of altering your identity in Christ. We, my friends are all reflectors of Christ not Satan. Our identity is free in Christ. Never allow Satan to keep you captive by reminding you about your past. The old has gone.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I longer live, but Christ lives in me" -Galatians 2:20

"The old has gone and the new has come" -2Corinthians5:17b

   The past is called the past for a reason. It's done and finished. Our past can never hurt us unless we allow it to. Be assured that Satan will do everything he can to remind us of our past and keep us condemned in the sin that we've done. Don't allow it. Our past is  just a part of us, but our past does Not define us. Christ defines us. We are who we are in Christ. We are sinners with a Savior. No more disappointment, discouragement and depression. I'm not saying that we will never feel these three things anymore, it will still come once in a while because the devious serpent never stops, but try to use that discouragement as an encouragement instead. God has granted us authority overall the earth, now, use that authority to change perspectives. Instead of focusing on problems and getting discouraged, focus on God and meditate on His promises instead. Life might get you down, but it doesn't have to stay that way. When disappointment comes, try using it as a stepping-stone to better things. Choose to face disappointment at its onset by meditating on God's ways. Ask for His Grace and He will defeat disappointment.

    Life can be discouraging sometimes but God's Word is always encouraging, overcome the discouragement by seeking HIM.

"I meditate on your percepts and consider Your ways" -Psalm119:15


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Saturday, April 27, 2013


   I have been convicted, reminded and BLESSED by this video. Truly God speaks in everything, everyone and in every way. HE IS LIMITLESS

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   A few months ago, I've started a new journey with God. The kind of journey that is taking me closer to His presence as HE reveal HIS promises that the enemy has held me captive for so long.

    Honestly, since the time I've decided to take part in this journey, Struggles began creeping in. Difficult and personal struggles. It has been an adventure. So much revelations has taken place, but at the same time, so much trials as well. I feel like I'm being broken into  a million pieces. With God, I am continuously learning more things about myself, both the good and the bad. He has revealed so many things about me that has held me captive to sin. Captive by Satan. In my 23 years of existence, I honestly thought that I was in the right track, but as God has revealed, there are a lot of unpleasant things about me that God would want to purge out, cleanse and heal. My heart alone contains so many faults. The enemy made me a prisoner in sin. One of the sins that I have is an unforgiving heart which bore fruit in having other branches of sin. Right now, I'm struggling. Intensely. I am. And you know what, I'm loving it. For once in my life, I finally feel like living. Apart from the intense struggles, I've also had so many victorious revelations and breakthroughs.

    This is really hard, just thinking about the things I've encountered during my adventure seems to be so overwhelming. Writing this blog isn't easy. So many things are rushing through my head. But still, I'll post this. This is a huge part of my life, and I know that God will use this new journey of mine as an avenue for HIS glory. My Heavenly Father isn't done with me yet, and as I dig deeper in knowing Him more, I tend to want More of HIM. It isn't easy, but I know it's gonna be worth it because, finally, I am starting to see through His eyes. I'm not perfect, no. Not even close, and I'm not trying to be, but I am just Blessed to be loved by someone so perfect and the one and only one who gives the PERFECT LOVE and LOVES me PERFECTLY. I'm falling in love with Him all over again, and I am loving every moment of it. All glory goes to Him alone. The King of Kings; My Savior; My Father; My Bestfriend; My Everything. JESUS.

My heart, mind and soul sings for HIM...

"From my heart to the Heavens, JESUS be the center, cause it's all about You, Yes it's all about You"

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Friday, April 26, 2013


   As I was slowly taking a step into the enemy's trap. My ever faithful companion, His Holy Spirit lead me to Joyce Meyer's posts. I then had this huge "Eureka" moment from God. Now, this is HIS real message :)
It's so perfect and so timely! Thank You Father!! All glory to YOU! And of course, HIS word never fails! Philippians4:4

  Friends, there is no room for condemnation or depression in our lives for God has overcome the world and we are all renewed and refreshed through Christ. Nothing and  No One can ever separate us from God. We belong to Him. (Isaiah43) Always go back to His word and His truth. We have been set free the moment that Christ paid our debt on the cross. HE lives IN us now and that will never change.

  Resist the Devil and Rejoice in the Lord

Depression is defined in part as "a hollow; being in a low state; a state of sadness; dejection." The real cause of depression is not where we are, but our attitude about where we find ourselves. That's why the devil wants to make you feel like you're worthless and rejected.

But if you don't let the devil impress you with what he does, then he can't oppress you; and if he can't oppress you, then he can't depress you.

I think one of the best ways to resist the devil and achieve victory over depression is to let the Holy Spirit lead you into a time of rejoicing. The enemy wants you to look at the negative and have a pity party, but the Holy Spirit wants you to look at the positive and just have a party!

Philippians 4:4 says to "rejoice in the Lord always." When we're focused on God, rejoicing in Him, depression has no place in us. So the next time the enemy tries to make you feel low or sad, choose to rejoice in the Lord!

Prayer Starter: God, You are wonderful and amazing, which is why I can rejoice in You always. Depression has no place in my life because I am filled with You!

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    There are so many times when I have failed and disappointed the people I love.  But what I've done to them is nothing compared to the pain that I've caused my Father God. Every day I unintentionally disappoint Him. Literally, every day.

  I'll admit. I'm ashamed. I'm do ashamed to be even called His daughter and His princess. The Love that He has for me, for us is really incomparable. Just a few minutes ago, I sinned again. I caused HIM pain. I caused HIS perfect heart to bleed because of my stupid and unnecessary actions. There are definitely a few sins in which the enemy has held me captive in. It hurts me to even think that I was the cause of pain to that one being who loves me blamelessly. I cannot forgive myself for doing the same things over and over again. It hurts. Can you imagine if the person you loved the most, the person you treasured the most, hurt you over and over againn? Hurt you deeper and deeper everyday. But despite what that person did, you still see that person blamelessly. Perfect. As if no sin took place. Unconditionally. That is how God sees you and me.

   He sees us with love. He sees us through love and He sees us in His love. No matter what we do, or how many times we hurt Him or let Him down, HE will never change the way He looks at us, the way He sees us, the way He loves us. His love endures forever. No one on earth can love that way, but God can.

  Father, I just want to thank you for your forgiving heart, for your reminder and grace. Father, I have broken your heart every day, but still, you choose to make me whole, you choose to love me, you choose to comfort me. I don't deserve to be loved by someone like you, but You love me anyway. You still choose to forgive me and see me as the person you've molded. As the princess you've created and appointed. My heart is only filled with so much thanksgiving for your kindness, forgiveness and grace.

   Father, you deserve someone better than me, but still you tell me that I belong to you. THANK YOU FATHER.

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Monday, April 22, 2013


"Now FAITH is CONFIDENCE in what we hope for, and ASSURANCE about what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1

    I woke up today, light headed, dizzy, nauseous. It is a feeling that I have felt before. An unpleasant feeling for sure, but I made one of the biggest mistakes, instead of asking for healing, I just rushed into the day. I had work, I had to prepare, I had to make breakfast, I had so much to accomplish today, but I neglected ONE of the most important things to do before anything else. I did not spare any time to stop everything and pray. 
   As my day began, I was preparing for work, in a rush, still feeling all these unpleasant feelings. I suddenly had this head rush, this throbbing pumping pain on the right side of my head. Not good I thought. But still considering and thinking I'm fine, I can do this I still continued prepping for work. Before leaving I decided to take my blood pressure cause I can feel the unwanted physical feelings escalating into something worse, and lo and behold. My bp shot up to 180/120. Thinking and considering the huge factor that I might have made a mistake while taking my bp, I took it again. Same result. I started to feel the panic. My heart began racing, I felt like I was going to pass out. I stood up and started pacing. I didn't want to sit down because the more I tried to calm myself and rest, the more nauseous I felt, I drank lots and lots and LOTS of water, ate banana just calm myself down. It was shocking. Everyone was asleep here at home and I didn't want to wake anyone up at 4:00 in the morning. I'll be honest, I felt scared. Scared of what could happen, Scared of what might happen. Finally, I sat down, and did that ONE thing that I should have started my day with. I prayed, I worshiped my Father, I called on to HIM and asked for HIS healing and HIS comfort. And of course, as always, He answered my prayer. He comforted me like no one else could and HE assured me that HE is with me through HIS word:
'This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.' -Haggai 2:5 
   The moment I read HIS word, all the anxiety in me faded. All my fears and worries, gone. He reminded me that HIS Spirit with me and that I should have called unto HIM since the very beginning. Now, my bp has dropped down to 160/100. It is still quite high, but it is better than what I had this morning. I feel a little better now, but rest is still much needed. Sure I was not able to come to work, sure I did call in sick but at least, I have HIS word in me. I don't know what will happen next, I still have a LOT of things to accomplish, but you know what, I am not worried. He made a promise and I know that HE will keep that promise 

First Post

      At last I have created a blog that truly expresses HIM in me. I am a worship blogger. A worship writer. Though this may sound weird because we've heard about worship leaders, worship intercessors but no one has been called a worship writer. This is one of HIS many many revelations to me. 
     As I get to know my Father every day, HE reveals more of who HE created me to be. The more I discover things about HIM, the more clearer He becomes in me. I see worship as a lifestyle and not just a ministry. I do not want to limit GOD's capabilities when it comes to HIS leading, anointing and ministry. Normally, when we hear the term worship, we think of it as a ministry, or we think of songs, or people who are gifted in music. Yes, that is part of worship. But work with me here. Try seeing worship as a lifestyle wherein we can magnify HIS greatness and GLORIFY HIS name through our actions. Worship is about living a life passionate for GOD. It is an overflow of the passion that HE has given us all. This can be through speaking, smiling, singing, dancing, acting, writing, calculating, designing, --whatever. GOD has placed a certain and specific talent in each of us. This talent is uniquely yours, own it. It is HIS gift to you specifically wherein HE has planned, molded and thought of this talent for you (I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful,I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14) that is in tuned in our hearts in which is linked into HIS. Why? That we may use this passion in glorifying HIS greatness. I strongl y believe that everything has a reason and everyone has a purpose. If there is something that you are so undeniably passionate about, but are too afraid to admit it because you have this fear that it might not be accepted by others, by friend, I know that this is GOD's way of telling you to embrace that passion. Embrace and own it. It is GOD's gift to you. Sure, your talent and passion may be peculiar to what society dictates, so what? You understand it, and GOD knows it, isn't that enough? Remember that your passion is a manifestation of HIS identity in you. We are all created in different ways and with individual purposes "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone." - 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 
       Now, isn't that awesome? Friends, if there is anything that OUR FATHER has recently revealed to is, it is that HE created us with individual purposes but with one goal, to GLORIFY HIS NAME. And what is the best way to glorify HIS name? Reflect HIS glory. How? Worship.