Thursday, August 22, 2013


      Last Tuesday, my physics professor gave us this documentary to watch. It is about how the universe began. It was a National Geographic film that lasts for one hour and thirty three minutes. Initially, the film tells its viewers about the universe and everything else in it. To cut the long story short, it is about promoting The BIG BANG THEORY. 
      I have to say, I enjoyed the whole documentary. I learned a lot, the biggest star, the milky way, another star that is as old as our sun, venus, neptune, and the rest of the things found in the universe. It was a wonderful journey and a surreal experience. I honestly enjoyed watching the whole thing. It was fascinating to see the beauty of God's creation.  The gassy planets, moons, comets, galaxies, solar systems-it was extremely fascinating. The only thing that was going through my mind was; "man, God is a genius!" I mean seriously, God defines true artistry! What a masterpiece. The beauty that he has placed in our universe it truly unexplainably amazing. I am very much in awe of how God created everything. 
      Getting a glimpse of the whole universe, planets, stars, black holes, moons and galaxies should have faded my faith, but instead, it has done the opposite. It should have promoted doubt and confusion and it should have shaken my faith, but Thank goodness that instead of bringing me farther from God, HE brought me closer to HIM. It made me admire HIS beauty and HIS majesty; why do I say that? well, all of God's creation are a reflection of GOD's glory, and the universe is definitely a glimpse of HIS majestic beauty. I mean, if HIS creations are as stunningly glorious as it is, what more if we get to stand before Him? If the sun in our solar system is that radiant; what more is God's face? I mean, the sun is  not even the biggest and brightest star in the whole universe, but we are all in awe of its radiance; I can only imagine seeing GOD's face. How wonderful would that be like? As this documentary took me deeper into the intergalactic world, it made me even more amazed by the greatness of our GREAT GOD. He has created an amazing universe. The universe itself is so complex that only someone so great could have designed it. Scientists and Astrologists even said that the everything began from light. The type of light that has a vast amount of energy that triggered other chemical components to form and bond with other elements that comets, planets, gases and other scientific stuff were formed. No one has ever tracked down where this strong energy of light came from; well, we obviously know where this light came from:

"God said, "Let there be light," and there was light." -Genesis 1:3

Isn't it obvious? Hello? this is where the so called "energetic light" came from. It was from someone who is a supreme being unlike any other. It came from God. Yes, this is also a throw back Thursday moment if you guys are into that ;) The problem with human beings, we tend to question things too much which can be an opening for Satan to lead us astray. It isn't wrong to be logical, and it isn't wrong to ask why, what is wrong is when we tend to question the answers for the question. God exists. He is great. God created the universe and everything else in it; even the brightest star in our galaxy, Betelgeuse, yeah, God made that. The supermassive black hole, God made that and He is the only one who knows what happens to every single thing that is sucked in there and what happens to it. He knows. Isn't GOD just amazingly amazing? Can anyone make anything as glorious as the universe? I mean, the things that was presented in the documentary are just some of the things that we are currently aware of and what is within human reach, what more if we get to really explore the whole universe? Can you even imagine what that would be like? I can't. And I really want to. but this might be beyond my years here on earth, but at least I get to stand before my Creator. 

Another realization that I had is how insignificant we humans are. I mean, seriously, just the measure of our size compared to everything else in the universe really made me realize that I do not have any right to be so self involved because God can make us as irrelevant as dust if He wanted to, but instead, He has given us authority overall the earth. We are not as big as the earth, nor are we bigger that it is, and the earth's size is nothing compared to the other planets, and despite that fact, God made us, human beings significant and most of all, HE LOVES US. He has the choice not to, but HE did. and HE does and HE forever will be. Apart from that, HE entrusted us to take care of the earth, that itself is a huge responsibility but you can see how much GOD trusts us and the capabilities that GOD has given us through HIM.

   "Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field." -Genesis 2:19 20

 Now, stay with me in this. Notice how God asked man to name the animals, did HE need to do that? Of course not! BUT HE did. Why? because HE trusts and HE loves us that much. I am very humbled by how GOD recognizes us, I mean, we are nothing compared to HIM but HE gave us the attention, love and grace that we do not deserve and why? because of LOVE. HE made this world for us because of LOVE and this UNIVERSE was made by GOD that we may have a glimpse of how glorious and amazing HE is. 
     This was honestly a humbling experience. Humbling in a sense of realizing the power, greatness and love of GOD for us all. I cannot wait to see HIM. I do not know when that will be, but it is such an exciting thought. I am not saying that I am perfect nor am I saying that I am sinless because I am very sinful. I am human and that makes me sinful. But I know what God wants me to do, I just want to give HIM back the glory because HE is the only one who deserves every praise. I know that I will still screw up in the future, I know that, that is why I need JESUS, That is why GOD is there, to show and give mercy, to give love and the only thing that I can do is to fulfill my purpose here on earth...To GLORIFY GOD. 

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 
-1 Corinthians 10:31

That's the dream. That's the goal. That's the purpose.  To Glorify GOD :)


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