Friday, February 14, 2014


Before my mind starts to throw-up; let me share this poem that I wrote that pretty much sums it up:

Feel free to visit this page, I also handle and manage it. All the works there are mine. It's just more on the artistic side of me, anyway, I know that it is indeed Valentine's Day or the day of Love as some people may call it, but this post is NOT about love at all. No, it is not about relationships, or love or romance-- nothing like that in this post, rather, this is something that most Singles, INCLUDING myself longs to have, and NO it is NOT a lifetime partner or a love life; but DIRECTION.

For the longest time, this is what I have been praying constantly for. DIRECTION. Yeah, it seems like a normal word that we all hear, but do we all realize the gravity of its meaning? Think about it, I don't mean to break the chain of what Singles normally obsess about which is being with someone, being in a relationship and getting married, that's fine, if that is for you, but before that season of your life comes, what have you been doing so far? Don't get me wrong, I am not against relationships, whatever. But, shout out to Singles out there, do you spend the same amount of time praying for God's direction in your life? In terms of your career? Have you really achieved EVERYTHING you wanted in life before praying for your lifetime partner? and more importantly, are you really ready for a relationship? For a commitment? or better yet, to settle down and have a family? The fact that you still have this want to be with someone just so you could feel contented, happy and fulfilled only indicates how unready and unstable you are. Sometimes we might think that we need to be with people in order to make the right decision or even to know how to pray properly for the things that we "want" --this is true, to a fault. There are times when we need to just distance ourselves from people that we may hear the real calling of God, that we may know how and what to pray for without the influence of others. I admit that I was one of the people who was influenced by others on what to pray for. It's sad but it's true, I used to pray for my partner because everyone was doing it, because there were influential people in my life who were doing it and advised me to do it. I thought that I was ready for a commitment, to be in a relationship because I was praying for my life partner, but while I was doing this, something just felt...OFF. I wasn't ready and I really didn't want to. It took me several years to realize that. To genuinely know that I am not ready to commit or submit to a man, not because I don't want to (that's partly the reason) but because there are still many things that I want to do with and in my life. I came to this epiphany when I got the healthy amount of DISTANCE from people and focused my everything on to God. He spoke with my soul. I realized that I don't really like to be with someone, I prefer to be alone, to have my thoughts to myself and be sold out to God. I am not saying that I have the gift of blessed singleness, but at this point of my life, being in a relationship is not my priority. There are still things that God wants me to do and fulfill and as of now, that is my priority--to fulfill HIS purpose for me. Remember that just because you are single, it does not mean that you cannot be happy, the truth is you do not need anyone to make you happy, you have a soul so beautifully crafted by our Creator, a soul that has been made whole and well, trust your soul, trust God and dwell in HIS presence; that is the only way to find true happiness and contentment.

There is nothing wrong with being alone. In fact, it is even healthier, you get to think for yourself, have your own thoughts and you have this wonderful opportunity of knowing yourself and reinventing yourself. Singleness is the wonderful season of possibilities, of turning dreams into realities, of doing what makes you happy, of enjoying life to the fullest, enjoying and exploring the wonderful world that God has created. Enjoy it. You get to make your own DECISION. Deciding and Standing firmly for what you believe in takes courage and bravery and these abilities only comes from GOD. I tell you, decisions won't be easy, in fact it is just one of the hardest thing to do in life, but once you make a decision, stick with it and of course, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through it.

I suggest that you'd lessen the effort you're currently giving praying for your partner and redirect your attention in earnestly seeking God in leading you towards HIS will and direction for your life. I mean, ENJOY life being single. Travel, make lots of song covers, go to the beach, heck, go to Paris for crying out loud! Explore and Experience. Let GOD fulfill HIS promises for you, focus on your career, buy the cars you want, the outfits that you want, go star gazing, go for a picnic. ENJOY your life, Stop holding yourself captive to finding "The One". Life is not meant to be lived like that, what, you think that when "The One" comes, you'll be living Happily Ever After? of course not! that doesnt even exist. SINGLEHOOD is the BEST time to know yourself, know the things you want and DO the things you want, Allow GOD to lead you in fulfilling HIS purpose for your life, be a BLESSING to other people, go on Mission Trips, Go mountain climbing, hiking, sky diving--Do all the things that you want to do because this is YOUR time, the season where you are free to discover who you really are and who you want to be. The season when GOD's voice would constantly remind you to trust HIM as you go through different crossroads in life. Pray for HIS direction and seek HIS attention.

DIRECTION. This is something that every person needs, direction. Well, who can best direct us to our purpose and plan but God. Allow HIM to direct us on where to go and what to do. He knows what HE is doing. The funny thing about society and media's picture of Singleness is desperation, and the worst part, we succumb to that picture that society painted and tampered for us. We become so obsessed with being with someone that it more often than not leads to brokeness and destruction rather than the opposite which is peace and contentment. Think about it, when we're single, we can do whatever we want, we have no commitments, and that is one of the BEST feelings ever in my opinion because there is NOTHING holding us back. So for those serial daters, get your crap together first, you do not need anyone to fill the void in your heart, you have to find your inner peace and learn to love yourself. Feel and BE whole. You should stop looking for your better half because you do not need someone who's half anyway, you should work on making yourself whole to attract another whole person to grow together. Now is the time to figure out what you want to do with your life. Stop rushing into relationships and dating. It isnt healthy and it is VERY MUCH OKAY TO BE SINGLE. ENJOY IT while it lasts.

Now, for those who are still struggling from being a serial dater, dont panic. It isnt too late to change that, nothing is written in stone, there is always room for new beginnings, clean slates, and start overs. 

This Valentines Day, make it different. Instead of moping and feeling sorry for yourself because you don't have anyone with you, who cares? Stop conforming into society and enjoy this season. Love the people around you. 

"You make known to me the path of life;you will fill me with joy in your presence,with eternal pleasures at your right hand." -Psalm 16:11

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