Tuesday, June 11, 2013


“The world takes us to a silver screen on which flickering images of passion and romance play, and as we watch, the world says, “This is love.” God takes us to the foot of a tree on which a naked and bloodied man hangs and says, “This is love.” -Joshua Harris

Okay, this time, this post is a bit different before. It's actually more of a revelation. A huge revelation. It's about Lust. One of the most common sins known to mankind. Something that is sadly now accepted in society, in stories, in movies, in tv shows and now, in books.

Although, this post may reach a bunch of haters, I know, but it has to be said. Lust is a SIN. That is a fact. Everyone knows that it is wrong, but for some reason people are pushing this to be something "hot" "trending and accepted. Why? One word. Deception. It is sad to know that Lust or premarital sex is something that is just frowned upon and not being seen as something wrong and impure. Yes, I understand that it entices people, it makes people feel good, but not everything that makes us feel good is right. Instead of seeing sex as something beautiful and intimate, it is being viewed as a happy pill that anyone everywhere can take anytime it's handy. In fact, the loss of one's virginity is now being viewed as a right of passage like prom or graduation. No. Losing your virginity is far beyond a "right of passage", it does not make anyone lame or a loser if you're a virgin. Purity is something that we all should preserve until we walk down the aisle and give it to someone who decides to commit to us till our last dying breath. Now, listen, I am NOT legalistic. I'm not basing this on some sort of rules, nor am I being a prude. It just saddens me that being sexually active is something that makes people "cool". The stereo-type of being handsome is based on how much women he slept with, and for women, the basis of her being a good girlfriend is based on how good she is in bed. No. Having multiple sexual partners or being "experienced" should not be a huge factor on how faithful a person can be in a relationship. A relationship is about trust and respect. Love is about Trust and Respect and not giving into your parter's lustful cravings from you.

One of the things that saddens me the most is how accepted these things are now a days. Seriously, it's disturbing enough to have these things on tv and movies, but now, it seems to be trending on book series? and the basis of a media of a tv show, movie or book being a quality product is based on how much sex is included? I admit, I do watch HIMYM, New Girl, 2 Broke Girls and as such, that is why I know how much "sex" is involved in these tv shows and it seems that a media product is not complete if there is nothing sexy included. It's just sad. It is. I mean, there was this one show, PARTNERS which is really hilarious! I loved it, pure comedy and it deals with modern life, but after a few episodes, it was cancelled. Why? lack of viewers. Honestly, it is a really REALLY good show, composed with great directors, brilliant writers and effectively awesome actors. Seriously, I am a fan. but just because it does not have anything to do with sex, people refuse to watch it and ignores the fact that it is witty, funny, clever and smart? Come on. It's ridiculous. Now, there's this other show, ALPHAS. Another mind-boggling brilliant show! It deals with people, well, Special people with mild autism, mental retardation, deaf, mute, autistic, OCD, ADHD and the like which are considered as ALPHAS because they possess this special ability to see things that a normal person can't. Interesting, right? well, unfortunately, it was cancelled. Another good work gone to waste because society refused to watch something that does not involve sex. It's sad.

Now, we go with the ever famous 50 shades of gray. I'll be honest, I have never read it. Before I read any trending book, I do my research first, it's just sad that something so shallow can be so popular because it seems to be accepted by society now, and it is being made into a movie? Seriously? there are a LOT of books, GREAT and BRILLIANT books that are movie worthy but still choose to stay on bookstore shelves, but just because certain books involves sex, that's made into a movie??? It frustrates me, QUALITY CHECK. Please.

The reason why I was so eager to write this because as I was going through FB, one of my friends posted a status about Gideon. I have no idea who Gideon is. I thought he was the character from Criminal Minds, but upon doing my research, I found out that, apparently, he is the new christian gray. Another novel that promotes sex and connects lust with love. Listen up, Lust and Love does not go hand in hand. It never has, and it never should. It's just a form of deception to sin. Love is not based on Lust or the other way around.

Sex is a gift from GOD, just like Marriage. If Marriage is the union of two souls, sex is the union of the bodies. That's why there's so much passion and pleasure involved. Please do not take this the wrong way and think that I am not for romance. God is for romance, HE is the author of romance. He created us from scratch, HE made no mistake when HE included the desire and longing within us. But HE loves us, that's why HE wants us to stay within HIS path to protect us and make sure that we won't get harmed. Sex beyond the presence of God can harm us. He created it for husband and wife. It is not something that should be trending, in, hip, or popular. It is not based on society, it is based on GOD. It should be done with the right person and in the right time. (“The right thing at the wrong tme is the wrong thing.”  -Joshua Harris)

“And I think that's the story of our generation's pursuit of fulfillment in relationships. We wished for intimacy without obligation. We wished for sex with no strings attached. We wished for the pleasure of love with none of work, none of the vows, none of the sacrifice.

And we got it.

But the results aren't what we hoped for. And we're left feeling emptier than before. The intimacy is superficial. The sex leaves us dissatisfied and hungry for something real, something true.

Where is true joy? It's found in God's brand of love - love founded on faithfulness, rooted in commitment.

The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment.” 
― Joshua HarrisI Kissed Dating Goodbye: A New Attitude Toward Relationships and Romance

"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. -1 Corinthians 10:23-24

This post could go on and on. But I'll choose to leave it at that. With GOD's word. 

For other references, please see:

 Leviticus 11:45; 20:7; Ephesians 5:3, 8-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; Song of Songs 3:5; 1 Peter 1:14-16; 2:1,11-12; 2 Timothy 2:19-22; Romans 13:12-14; Psalm 24:3-5; Titus 2:11-12; 1 Corinthians 6:17-20

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