Tuesday, June 11, 2013


DISCLAIMER: old post from my old blogsite :)

hey bloggers;
    As always it has been a while since my last post. Sorry, not enough time. Things has been so busy lately. Really. and I know that it is wrong. I know my purpose and boasting about GOD is one of the major things in my purpose. I have had my strong share of revelations lately. and this, what I am about to write about is just one of them. I honestly feel like a thief. I have been blessed with revelations from our Father, and yet, I only share to a number of people, and these are the people at work when in fact, the internet, blogs and social networking sites are a HUGE HUGE and EASY way to share HIS word. HIS revelations and HIS messages. That stops now. I will make it a point that I will be posting as much as I can, that is my commitment. What is the use of being a so called "passionate writer" if I don't write, it isn't fair. It isn't fair to me, my passion, my purpose and it isn't fair to GOD because, well, HE gave me this gift, this passion, and yet I don't use it as often as I should to give HIM glory? Come on, there's definitely something wrong with me, but that is about to change.
    Anyhoo, going back to my main "theme" which is the song "ALL FOR LOVE" I purposely added the title first for this post just so I wouldn't go off track. I know that this song is really really well-known by many of us, but there's this one part of the song that really pierces my heart every time I hear, read and see it.

♫ oh how many times have I broken your heart; still you forgive if only I'd ask ♫

  Seriously, in my twenty-two years of existence; The times of when I have broken HIS heart is countless. Heck, everyday, I sin. Everyday, I make a mistake. Everyday, I break HIS heart. and these are not just once a day, several times a day, I hurt HIM. I now understand that it's like taking a piece of HIS heart, a piece of who HE is off from HIM, and not just taking it away but actually, torturing and ripping that piece off from HIM. This is what I do every time I sin. Every time I cringe, I make a rude comment, every time I offend someone, every time I feel insecure, every time I compare myself to others, every time I complain, every time I doubt, every time I fear, every time I allow emotions to take over me, each time I feel frustrated, every time I forget what is right (even if it is just for a split second). . . every time I hurt myself, every time I give in to lies and I lose sight of who HE wants me to be, HIS identity in me, I know that it hurts HIM deeply, It's more than constantly pulling out strands of HIS hair, tearing off pieces of HIS skin, I am actually slashing, scoring, ripping off pieces of HIS heart. One by one, bit by bit, inch by inch, one part after another. I cannot even imagine enduring that kind of pain every day by every single person I love. but despite my actions, even if I do that, HE endures it, HE STILL AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE ME. At this point, I am unsure of a lot of things, it is my purging season, but I honestly have never felt this SURE and SECURE about anything in my life. Despite those things, HE LOVES ME. HE LOVES US.

      It's those things, sin. Sometimes, well, rather, MOST OF THE TIME, We are actually aware that we are doing something wrong, but why do we still do it? Why do I still do it? It's because I/we choose not to listen and not to hear HIM. We brush HIM off each time we sin. Before every action that we do, the HOLY SPIRIT actually convicts us and tells us not to do it, Admit it, you had these "moments", right? Just when you are about to sin, you suddenly drift to the other path. HE LIVES in US. We are once apart from HIM because of sin, but because of HIS unconditional agape LOVE, HE is now a part of us as we are a part of HIM.

   Think of it this way, now, I am NO SCIENTIST NOR A CARDIOLOGIST but a HEART has a LOT of parts, right? all the veins, muscles and whatnot. Now, each part of the heart represents each of us. And each time we sin or drift away or even attempt to go back to that once cold, numb and dark place where we are before, we are forcefully gashing out a piece of HIM. God said so Himself that we belong to HIM and that we are a part of HIM, so if we drift away, we are hurting HIM. Can you imagine ripping out or pulling out a piece of your skin? it's would hurt, right? sometimes it would bleed. Now, can you really imagine doing that to that ONE BEING who TRULY LOVES YOU. Can you really tear and rip off a piece of HIS heart because you just wanted to and Knowing the fact that no matter how many times we hurt HIM and break HIS heart, HE still loves us? HE will NEVER hate us, it is not who HE is, hate is not part of HIM. HE is LOVE.  Let's ask HIM to forgive us. HE LOVES US. AND HE WILL FOREVER LOVE US. HE IS THE EPITOME OF LOVE. ♥ Let's just go back to HIM. Run back to HIM. He's waiting...

   Don't hold back, Don't turn back, Allow HIM to FILL UP the LOVE you lack....

        ♫ oh how many times have I broken your heart; still you forgive if only I'd ask ♫


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